Mouth Guards

Mouth Guards

At Paramus Dental Arts, we can provide you or your children with mouth guards that can serve to protect the teeth. You only get one set of permanent teeth, making it critical to take the steps necessary to preserve them. We always recommends starting by keeping your teeth healthy. When your teeth are free of decay or infection, they will be stronger and less likely to become damaged in an accident. To keep them healthy and strong, we suggest visiting our Paramus, NJ dental office twice a year for a routine teeth cleaning. You can schedule an appointment by calling (201) 845-5533.

Extra Protection for Your Teeth

Keep in mind that while healthy teeth are less likely to become damaged, they still can be and this is where a mouth guard can be helpful. There are several types of mouth guards that you can wear to protect yourself from a sports-related dental injury. While you can buy a one-size-fits-all solution at the drugstore, there is always a risk that it will become loose and slip out of place when you need it most. You can also purchase a kit that requires you to boil the guard and then fit it to your teeth. This too, can be amateurish in how well it fits, simply because it was not professionally created. We recommend you visit us so that can take measurements and make an impression of your mouth. This way, a mouth guard can be created in the lab to the exact specifications of your teeth. At Paramus Dental Arts, we are confident that when you wear one of our guards, your teeth will be protected from the majority of dental injuries that occur when playing sports.

What do mouth guards look like?

It is common for our Paramus patients to be interested in mouth guards but aren't sure of whether or not they will be comfortable with the appearance of one. This is perfectly natural, since most people do not want to stand out as the one wearing too much protective gear. Fortunately, our mouth guards are created using clear plastic so they blend into the background. If you put it in when no one is looking, it is unlikely that anyone will notice your guard during practice or the game. This is another advantage of visiting our Paramus dental office for your guard. The ones sold at the store are often made of a bright color and since they do not fit perfectly, can come loose during play, making them stand out even more. However, if you or your child would prefer a bright colored mouth guard, then we can discuss creating one in the right size.

Why do people wear mouth guards?

Primarily, mouth guards are necessary when practicing or playing sports. Most people (especially adults) do not realize how common it is to sustain a face or mouth injury during a sports game. While certain sports like football are notorious for requiring players to wear guards, others, like basketball, are not. As a result, basketball players have a high rate of injury. In fact, according to the American Dental Association, the risk of sustaining an injury is 1.6 to 1.9 times higher when not wearing a mouth guard. Dental mouth guards are so effective at preventing injuries that the ADA estimates, 200,000 of them are prevented every year by wearing this small and simple device. If you are a Paramus parent looking to keep your child safe, getting them a mouth guard is an easy way to do so.

What is the risk of not wearing a mouth guard?

At Paramus Dental Arts, we encourage patients to wear a mouth guard and parents to buy one for their children if they play sports. This can be organized sports or the weekly game of basketball in the park. Not wearing a mouth guard can cause your tooth to break, crack, chip, or even become knocked out when a runaway ball hits your face or an elbow jab comes your way. If the impact is particularly strong, a tooth could be forced upwards into the gums or a tooth could pierce through the cheek or lips – all of which can be incredibly uncomfortable and lead to a dental emergency.

Check out what others are saying about our mouth guards on Yelp: Mouth Guards Paramus

Is there a reason to have one created by a dentist?

Once you have made the decision to protect yourself, the best thing to do is to schedule an appointment with our Paramus, NJ dental office. We can examine you, take measurements, make an impression and have your custom mouth guard created. As a result, you will have a device that has been made to your exact specifications so that it will remain in place no matter how fast you run, how high you jump or how hard you hit the ball. Playing sports can be rough and requires all of your energy. You need a mouth guard that can stand up to those demands. When you visit our dental office, that is exactly what you will get.

Are they affordable?

Yes, when you visit our office for mouth guards, we can create one that fits perfectly and is affordable for your family. While you will pay more than what you would pay for an off-the-shelf guard, you will be getting better quality and a better fit at the same time. The difference is certainly worth it when it comes to protecting your teeth and saving money down the road.

How do you clean mouth guards?

We recommend taking them out and rinsing them immediately after you are done wearing them. You should keep your guard in a safe case, and then when you are home, brush it with a soft toothbrush and lukewarm water. This is the best way to ensure plaque does not build up on it. You typically should not use toothpaste since paste can be abrasive. If you would prefer a special cleaning solution, let us know, and we will make a recommendation as to what is available on the market at that time.

Start protecting yourself and your children today by having your custom mouth guards created. Call (201) 845-5533 to schedule an appointment with our dental office.

Questions Answered on This Page

Q. Why do people wear mouth guards?

Q. Can you customize my mouth guard to ensure it fits?

Q. How do I clean and care for my mouth guard?

People Also Ask

Q. Are professional mouth guards better than store-bought brands?

Q. Why would I need to wear a night guard?

Q. What should I do after chipping my tooth?

Definition of Family Dental Terminology

Dental Caries
Dental caries are also known as cavities and result from a lack of proper oral hygiene leaving plaque that forms tiny holes in the teeth.
Dental Sealants
Dental sealants contain a resinous material that we apply to the chewing surfaces of the posterior teeth to prevent dental caries.
Dental Prophylaxis
A dental prophylaxis is a professional and detailed cleaning that involves the removal of plaque, calculus and stains from the teeth.
A dentist, also known as a dental surgeon, is a doctor who specializes in the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of diseases and conditions of the oral cavity.
Etchant is a gentle acid to treat the surface of a specific tooth to help the filling material stick to the tooth.
Occlusion describes the mandibular and maxillary rows of teeth meeting when the patient bites down. If a patient does not have a healthy bite, they are struggling with malocclusion.
An overjet is a bite orientation that results from the maxillary central incisors (top center teeth) protruding over the mandibular central incisors (bottom front teeth); this may also be known as “buck teeth” by patients.
Pregnancy Gingivitis
Pregnancy gingivitis is gingivitis that results from the common change in hormones during pregnancy that increases blood flow to the gum tissue, increasing sensitivity, irritability and swelling in the gums.

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