

Dental Assistant

The first job I ever had: Receptionist at a Hair Salon.

Why did you decide on the dental field: After being a receptionist in many places including a dental practice, I grew a strong interest in being next to the doctor to help others overcome their fears. I, for many years, was very afraid to even step foot into a dental place until I educated myself of all the risks that come along from dental neglect and the consequences of neglect were even scarier. Giving patients gentle care and comfortability is what I strive for.

Hobbies and Interest: My hobbies include, but are not limited to, hiking with my family, working out and painting. Any type of arts and crafts has my name written all over it.

What is something people don't know about you? During the Pandemic I lost my job and 3 weeks later I started my own cleaning company because I always enjoyed cleaning and decluttering so why not work while having fun!

What is your favorite food: Who doesn't love food? I love everything under the sun that is Middle Eastern, Seafood, Greek, Peruvian, but my favorite food has to be Tacos.

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